Witch Hazel Bark Cut

Dried cut bark, known for its astringent properties.


Latin Name: Hamamelis virginiana
Common Name: Witch Hazel
Family: Hamamelidaceae
Growing Region: Appalachian Mountains
Description: Cut Witch Hazel Bark is sourced from the shrub known for its fragrant yellow flowers and distinctive therapeutic properties. The bark is rich in tannins, which contribute to its strong astringent qualities.
Applications: Prominently used in skincare products for its ability to tighten skin and reduce inflammation. It’s also employed in natural remedies for treating hemorrhoids, soothing diaper rashes, and as a natural aftershave.
Collector Connection: Harvested in the lush forests of the Appalachian Mountains, our collectors utilize sustainable practices that preserve the vitality of the witch hazel populations. Careful harvesting ensures that the plants remain healthy and abundant for future generations, maintaining the ecological balance of the region. This conscientious approach not only supports the environment but also ensures the highest quality and potency of our witch hazel products.

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