What’s the difference?

American Botanicals offers a variety of wildcrafted, organic, and conventional wholesale organic spices, herbs and botanicals, but what does that mean? Each of these processes for growing herbs and botanicals is what leads us to our amazing selection of products. Read below to find out what the difference is between wildcrafted, organic, and conventional ingredients.

wholesale herbs and botanicalsWildcrafted

Wildcrafting is the practice of harvesting, or gathering, plants from their natural or “wild” habitat. These herbs and botanicals are non-cultivated, and tend to be much more resilient than their cultivated counter parts. Because wild herbs are forced to compete against other vegetation for nutrients and have to sustain the harsh elements of their environment, they are usually stronger and more potent than cultivated herbs. Not only is wildcrafting good for the people consuming these ingredients, it’s also beneficial to the environment. Wildcrafting also promotes the idea that we should leave the environment looking better than we found it. This practice is conscious of the imprint we leave on the world, and strives to maintain the sustainability of the environment. There are specific laws set to maintain the plant population and protect the environment they grow in. Here are some guidelines to follow when harvesting wildcrafted plants:

  • Don’t pick immature plants that are not fully grown.
  • Never harvest endangered species of plants.
  • Be conservative when it comes to picking.
  • Don’t take more than necessary because it could effect the health of the environment.
  • Don’t damage surrounding plants or environment.
  • Avoid foraging from polluted environments If an entire plants needs harvesting, plants seeds in its place.


Organically grown herbs and botanicals are cultivated in a controlled environment without the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, or herbicides. There is no use of genetically modified organisms (GMO) and they are free of harsh chemicals. The major difference between bulk and wholesale organic spices, herbs and botanicals is how they are grown. Wildcrafted herbs are grown directly in nature and grow without human intervention, whereas organic ingredients are grown in a controlled environment. At American Botanicals, our wholesale herbs and botanicals and bulk spices are organic.

Conventionalwholesale herb suppliers

Wholesale spice distributors conventionally grow ingredients in a controlled environment that uses fertilizers and pesticides to promote their growth. This method allows for larger varieties of herbs and botanicals which increases production rates. Though conventional methods of growing, our wholesale herbs and botanicals are typically seen as controversial due to the chemicals that are utilized, this is a safe practice to use. Not only are the products inspected with care, they are also cleaned to ensure the highest quality.

Using Herbs and Botanicals from American Botanicals

At American Botanicals we take pride in our ingredients and maintain the integrity of their quality. Although we do compete with many other wholesale herb suppliers, our goal is to always meet the product specifications of our customers to give them a product they will love. Using a combination of wildcrafted, organic, and conventionally grown ingredients allows us to give you the best product possible. We specialize in the manufacturing and production of wholesale organic spices, herbs and botanicals that includes, cleaning, cutting, and sifting to ensure your product is free of contaminants. At American Botanicals, we thrive to give you a product that is specifically created with you in mind. Take a look at American Botanicals Products and see for yourself why our customers are loving our products! Or get in touch with us!

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wholesale herbs and botanicals

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